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UIL Marching Band Participation and Perspectives of Minority Band Directors- Updated

Experiences gained from teaching in Central Texas, and participating in the University Interscholastic League- UIL Evaluation events, has been quite valuable. 2018 - 2019 was an eventful year, with several life-changing events that took place along with this career in music education. But, life is to be expected...

The experiences were interesting to say the least. The experienced moments in music education in a career field with very few African-American band directors in Central Texas was valuable. Acquiring mentors and networking with some genuine music professionals, and developing friendships with other directors is valuable to your sanity. Learning how to function in a region of Texas, where the marching bands are some of the finest in the country, is crucial to seeing success of your band program. NETWORK.... NETWORK..... You must come out of your "comfort-zone," and avoid PRIDE. Seek help from others who are familiar with systems, and avoid trying to "reinvent the wheel." Also, rethink what success is. Competition has its purpose, but developing the students musical literacy, musicianship, and positively influencing their appreciation for music is most important. UIL is an evaluative tool for every band program, it is a testimony to sound musical instruction, standards established by musical professionals to impact the future of music. Use the tools, do not avoid the tools..use them.

More to come....

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